This ‘Future Lover’ Is A Library

“The more I visit libraries the more I find myself opening up to them,” writes Ander Monson in his essay collection Letter to a Future Lover. It’s not surprising that an author would be attracted to libraries; they are, after all, some of the last places in the world dedicated to the preservation and celebration of literature. They’re also at risk of becoming endangered, casualties of budget cuts, increased Internet availability, and apathy. But for Monson, libraries are something more than just buildings filled with books. He’s interested in libraries as a concept, as a living, adapting exchange of ideas, as a way people can connect with one another, even across generations: “To keep a story on a shelf or to remember then retell it means that it will be more likely to exist to those who come after we have gone. It will all be gone in time. Maybe this is the best we can do.” Full piece here: