Girl in the Moon: Rare books gifs – John Dee, volvelles, apples and things

Culture Themes is a twitter account that organises monthly themed days on Twitter, primarily for museums. This month it was museum gifs – #musgif – and I put together a couple for the RCPmuseum account from some of the star objects from the RCP’s forthcoming John Dee exhibition.

To make the first three gifs, I set up the department camera on the department tripod and took a series of photos, stop-motion animation style. Then I layered up the individual images in Photoshop (other editing software is available), cropped them, resized them and saved them as gifs. To make the last, I took a pre-existing photograph and played about with it in Photoshop.
It was quicker and easier that I thought it would be, and I’m delighted with how well the gifs show off the materialty of the books.

From Girl in the Moon: Rare books gifs – John Dee, volvelles, apples and things